Effects Of Propyl 10β - [(2'β-Hydroxy-3'-Imidazol)] Deoxoartemisinin (32) On Rabbits’ Hematopoietic Functions

Thị Thúy Nguyễn, Thị Minh Thu Nguyễn, Thị Thu Hằng Nguyễn, Thanh Dương Trần

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This studywas conducted at the National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology between February and May, 2021. The compound 10β-[(2'β-hydroxy-3'-imidazol) propyl] deoxoartemisinin (32) was treated orally in experimental rabbits in order to examine whether it affected rabbits’ hematopoietic functions or not.

Methods: The Vietnam Ministry of Health’s and OECD’s guidelines for sub-chronic toxicity testing were applied. The compound (32) was treated orally in two different groups with the dose regimens of 72 and 216 mg/kg/day x 28 consecutive days, respectively. A control group treated orally with solven was also tested simultaneously. Two milliliters of blood were pulled out from each rabbit’s ear vein on day 0 (before testing), day 14 (the middle of testing) and day 29 (after stopping taking 32). All of those blood samples were tested for hematological parameters including red blood cell, white blood cell, white blood cell formula, hematocrit, hemoglobin, platelet and mean corpuscular volume.

Results: Generally, most of the hematological parameters of the two (32)-treated groups were not significantly different from the control group. Besides, those indices on days 14 and 29 did not change significantly compared to before taking the (32) on day 0 (the p values > 0.05). Nevertheless, with the dose of 72 mg/kg/day, rabbits’ erythrocyte counts decreased significantly on day 14 comparing to that on day 0 (p < 0.05) and became in normal limits on day 29 (p > 0.05). In addition, in the group treated with 216 mg/kg/day, rabbits’ hematocrit indices increased significantly on day 14 comparing to that on day 0 (p < 0.05) and did not change significantly compared to that on day 29 (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: The compound (32) at the dose regimens of 72 and 216 mg/kg/day x 28 consecutive days did not affect rabbits’ hematopoietic functions.

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