The effect of "mang chấm huyet dai chuy" method In the treatment for neck pain due to heat rheumatism

Quốc Tuấn Hà, Duy Tuân Nguyễn, Quang Hải Ngô

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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the method of Mang Cham Dai Chuy acupoints in the treatment of neck pain due caused by heat rheumatism. 

Subjects and research methods: The study was designed according to clinical intervention methods, conducted, compared before - after treatment, and compared with the control group on 60 patients diagnosed with neck pain and randomly divided into 2 groups: 30 patients in the study group (NNC) treated by Mang Cham Dai Chuy acupoints and 30 patients in the control group treated the disease by galvanopuncture at Cham cuu Trung uong Hospital from July 2021 to the end of January 2022.

Results: After 20 days of treatment, all patients reduced VAS pain score, accrete range of motion of the cervical spine, reducing NPQ points. The overall treatment effect: in the study group: Good 70.00%, Fair 23.33; the average is 6.67%; in the control group: Good is 63.33%; Fair: 26.66%; an average of 10%, no poor ef. The effectiveness of treatment of the study group is higher than that of the control group (p<0.05). 

Conclusion: Using the method of Mang Cham Đai Chuy acupoints is safe and effective in the treatment to neck pain due caused by heat rheumatism. 


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