The clinical characteristic Of patients with phlegm dyslipidemia

Thủy Phương Phạm, Quốc Bình Phạm, Trọng Thông Nguyễn

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Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristic features of "": Phlegm-induced dyslipidemia. 

Research subjects and methods: The patient was diagnosed with the Phlegm "" of dyslipidemia. The study was conducted according to the prospective method. 

Results: Dyslipidemia has many similarities with the "Dampness" of Chinese traditional medicine, and the Phlegm "" has some specific characteristics with the most common symptoms rate being heavy limbs 79,34%, dizziness 77,69% and severe headache 70,25%. The rate of hypertension, pre-hypertension 74,38%. The rate of mixed hyperlipidemia was the highest with 44,63%. 

Conclution: Patients with the Phlegm "" of dyslipidemia had all the major symptoms and minor symptoms according to the Guiding principle of clinical research on new drugs of traditional Chinese medicine, China 2002. 



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