Evaluation the effectiveness of "Thai Binh HV medicine" Combined with acupressure in the treatment for patients With simple periarthritis of the shoulder

Thị Hồng Nhung Huỳnh, Đức Hữu Trần, Thị Hương Thu Bùi, Thế Anh Nguyễn, Thị Như Quý Nguyễn

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Objective: To evaluation the effectiveness of "Thai Binh HV Medicine” combined with acupressure in the treatment for patients with simple periarthritis of the shoulder and to observe the unexpected effects of treatment.

Subjects and research methods: A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on 60 patients with simple periarthritis of the shoulder, who were under the treatment at Tue Tinh Hospital and National Hospital of Acupuncture from May 2021 to February 2022. The patients were divined into 2 groups. Study group were treated with "Thai Binh HV Medicine” combined with acupressure, while the control group were treated with acupressure during a 20-day course of treatment. 

Results: After 20 days of treatment, the study group achieved better results than the control (p <0,01). In terms of the study group, very good results reached 83,3% of the total patients, good and average good accounted for 10% and 6,7%, respectively. Regarding to the control group, 60% of the total patients were reported for very good results, good results and average results consisted of 6,7% and 13,3%, respectively. No clinical adverse effects were reported. 

Conclusions: The treatment of using "Thai Binh HV Medicine" in combination with acupressure is safe and effective for patients with simple periarthritis of the shoulder. 

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