Evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effect Of anmaha capsules in experimental animals

Hoàng Ngân Nguyễn, Anh Tuấn Trần, Thị Thu Hương Nguyễn

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Objective: To evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effect of Anmaha capsules in white rats. 

Subjects and methods: Animal trials with control groups. 50 Wistar white rats, male, healthy, weight 200- 250g were randomly divided into 5 groups: group 1 (physiological control), group 2 (pathological control), group 3 (reference), group 4 and 5 (oral dose of Anmaha 336 mg/kg/24h and 672 mg/kg/24h). The study period was from Jun 2021 to Sep 2021. 

Results: After 14 days, compared with the model group: the dose 2 group and the reference drug group Atorvastatin had statistically decreases in the blood total cholesterol, TG, LDL-C and Atherogenic index (p<0.01), and the blood HDL-C level increased statistically (p<0.05). After 28 days, compared with the model group: the dose 1, dose 2 groups and the reference drug group Atorvastatin had statistically decreases in the blood total cholesterol, TG, LDL-C levels and Atherogenic index, and HDL-C level increased significantly (p<0.01). 

Conclusion: Anmaha capsules have the effect of reducing blood lipid levels, increasing HDL-C level and reducing fatty liver. 

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