Study on the anti-inflammatory effect of gastric ulcer and analgesic effect of traditional remedy “Sai ho so can thang gia vi” in the experiment

Thuc Thu Huong Nguyen, Duc Loi Vu, Hong Duong Le, Thi Mai Nguyen

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Objective: To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of gastric ulcer and analgesic effect of traditional remedy “Sai ho so can thang gia vi” in the experiment.
Subjects and methods: Studying the anti-inflammatory effect of the extract from the traditional remedy “Sai ho so can thang gia vi” on a model of gastric ulcer induction by Indomethacin in Swiss white mice.
Studying the analgesic effect of the extract on the acetic acid-induced colic model in the white rat strain Wistar.
Results: This study has shown that the remedy of adding 8g of Chromolaena odorata leaves at a dose of 150mg/kg/day had a protective effect on the gastric mucosa in indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer model in white rats through the following criteria: Reduces the percentage of mice with ulcers compared with the model batch, but the difference is not statistically significant (p>0.05), but it significantly reduces the ulcer index and the percentage of ulcer inhibition (p<0 .05); significantly reduces the damage on the macroscopic and microscopic images of the rat stomach. Traditional remedies at all three dosage levels (30mg/kg/day, 60mg/kg/day and 120mg/kg/day) have analgesic effects on the acetic acid-induced colic model, reducing the number of colic episodes statistically significant compared with the model batch (p<0.05 and p<0.01).
Conclusion: The traditional remedy “Sai ho so can thang gia vi” at a dose of 150mg/kg/day showed a protective effect on gastric mucosa in indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer model in white rats and at all three dose levels (30mg/kg/day, 60mg/kg/day and 120mg/kg/day) had analgesic effects on the acetic acid- induced colic model.

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