Current status of using traditional medicine in health care at some commune health stations, Hung Yen province in 2020

Minh Châu Lưu, Văn Tài Đinh, Thanh Tú Nguyễn, Thị Phương Đỗ

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Objective: To describe the current status of using traditional medicine in health care at some commune health stations, Hung Yen province in 2020.

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 409 health staff working at 56 commune health stations in 5 districts, Hung Yen province in 2020. The study period was from April 2020 to April 2021.

Results: The percentage of health staff who assessed that their health station had organized medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine and met the demand for medical examination and treatment with traditional medicine was 79.95% and 64.06%, respectively. The percentage of health staff using traditional medicine and traditional medicine combined with modern medicine in healthcare was 45.47%. Many home healthcare techniques using traditional medicine among 51 techniques on the regulated list of Ministry of Health were implemented, in which, massage and acupressure techniques to treat migraines, lower extremity stiffness, insomnia accounted for 53.8% to 62.7%.

Conclusions: The percentage of health staff using traditional medicine and traditional medicine combined with modern medicine in healthcare was quite high. Many home healthcare techniques using traditional medicine according to regulations of the Ministry of Health have been implemented.

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