Current status of signs of depression in community in three districts of Hung Yen province in 2019

Quang Huy Đoàn, Minh Châu Lưu, Văn Tài Đinh

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Objectives: to describe the current status of depressive signs in the community in 3 districts of Hung Yen province in 2019.

Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 3 districts of Hung Yen province. This survey used the PHQ-9 toolkit. The time for conducting the study was from Mar 2019 to Dec 2019.

Results: Survey of 1705 people in the 3 districts: the overall rate of risk signs of depression was 2.9%: risk signs of mild depression (2.5%); risk signs of moderate depression (0.3%); risk signs of severe depression (0.2%). The rate in women was higher than in men. For each district, the prevalence of risk signs of mild, moderate and severe depression was, respectively: An Thi (2.7%; 0.4%, 0%); Khoai Chau (1.2%; 0%; 0.2%); Tien Lu (3.5%; 0.5%; 0.3%). Differences between the districts were not statistically significant (p >0.05).

 Conclusion: The rate of risk signs of depression in community in 3 districts was quite low, mainly the risk signs of mild depression.

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