Clinical characteristics in traditional medicine of patients infected with covid-19 were treated at Bac Giang hospital of traditional medicine
Main Article Content
Covid 19 is the name of an acute respiratory infection caused by a new strain of corona virus (nCoV). The Covid-19 epidemic has not only caused economic decline but also greatly affected people's lives. Traditional medicine has long played an important role in the control and treatment of infectious diseases. Therefore, our study was conducted to evaluate clinical characteristics according to traditional medicine of subjects with Covid 19, from which disease subtypes are the premise for the development of appropriate traditional medicine treatment. Conducting a survey on 126 research subjects at the Bac Giang Traditional Medicine Hospital showed that the average age was 30 years old (females were 3 times higher than males); Conducting a survey on 126 research subjects at the Bac Giang Traditional Medicine Hospital showed that the average age was 30 years old (females were 3 times higher than males); mainly workers from many regions, all have a history of living in epidemic areas; common symptoms were fever (54.17%), fatigue (87.96%), dry cough (81.02%), dry throat (51.85%), sore throat (55.56%), dry mouth (54.29%), thirsty mouth (58.80%), headache (53.79%), thin white tongue moss (69.91%); The most common form of the disease is “xie zai fei wei” (93.06%), mostly in outside real formb (50.46% heat, 45.83% cold).
Article Details
Covid 19, Traditional Medicine.
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