Nghiên cứu tác dụng bảo vệ gan của Cao lỏng giải độc gan trên chuột nhắt trắng
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Objectives: To assess the hepatoprotective effects of the Liver detoxifier liquid extracts (including Moringa oleifera, Phyllanthus amarus and Solanum hainanense) with a continuous oral dose of 8 days in mice with a model of acute poisoning with paracetamol.
Subjects and methods: The Liver detoxifier liquid extract was administered orally to white mice at 2 doses of 8.1g and 24.3g/kg/day for 8 consecutive days. Causing liver toxicity by giving each mouse 400mg/kg of paracetamol. The trial was conducted in parallel with 3 control groups including the one that did not cause liver toxicity, the other that caused liver toxicity but did not use the drug and the group that caused liver toxicity and were given silymarrin at a dose of 140mg/kg. After 48 hours of hepatotoxicity, mice’s carotid blood was taken to quantify AST, ALT, GGT, albumin and total bilirubin. Mice were dissected and removed their livers to determine the weights and observe the macroscopic view. Randomized microscopy of 30% of mice’s livers in each lot was evaluated histopathological lesions by scoring as prescribed. This study was carried out between April and June 2023 at Hanoi Medical University.
Results: The Liver detoxifier liquid extract has good effects of reducing AST, ALT, GGT concentrations, increasing albumin concentration, decreasing bilirubin levels and reduced mice’s hepatocellular injuries. This liquid extract tended to have a better hepatoprotective effect than silymarin at a dose of 140 mg/kg.
Conclusions: With oral doses of 8.1g and 24.3g of medicinal herbs/kg/day × 8 consecutive days, the liquid extract has high effects on protecting the liver cells of white mice poisoned by paracetamol.
Article Details
Liver detoxifier liquid extract, AST, ALT, GGT, albumin, total bilirubin, macroscopic observations, microscopic morphology.
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