Nghiên cứu tác dụng tăng lưu lượng máu não của cao lỏng bổ dương hoàn ngũ thang gia vị trên thực nghiệm

Thị Nga Tạ, Quang Huy Đoàn, Đình Dũng Nguyễn

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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of increasing cerebral blood flow of modified Buyang Huanwu (BDHNTGV) liquid extract in experimental mice.

Subjects and methods: An experimental study using a chronic cerebral blood flow reduction model in Swiss mice caused by bilateral common carotid artery stenosis.

Results: BDHNTGV liquid extract at the doses of 49,8g/kg/24h and 149,4g/kg/24h increased cerebral blood flow in a mouse model of chronic cerebral Conclusions: BDHNTGV liquid extract at doses of 49,8g/kg/24h and 149,4g/kg/24h increased cerebral blood flows in mice, similar to those of the Ginkobiloba dose of 100mg/kg/24h.

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