Medical properties, treatment of frequently used traditional herbs in northern Vietnam

Thị Phương Bùi, Tiến Chung Nguyễn, Vũ Khánh Phạm

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Objectives: To describe the medicinal properties and indications of frequently used traditional herbs in Northern Vietnam.

Subjects and methods: The research was conducted from June 2023 to October 2023 by investigating, interviewing and collecting herbs in the community; following by statisticizing, comparing and asking for consensus agreement from experts.

Results: The study successfully determined the properties and indications of 102 communal herbs. Respiratory diseases: 17 herbs (53% are indicated for asthma); Digestive diseases: 13 herbs (23% are indicated for diarrhea); Urinary-genital diseases 23 herbs: (61% are indicated for urination tract disorders); Musculoskeletal diseases: 21 herbs (90% are indicated for musculoskeletal pain); neurological and mental diseases: 9 herbs (44% are indicated for insomnia); other diseases: 19 herbs (47% are indicated for Dermatitis).

Conclusions: The study successfully described the properties and indications of 102 herbs, focusing on 3 groups: Urinary - genital; Musculoskeletal and Respiratory accounts for over 60%.

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