Study on skin irritation and analgesic effects of cot thong Tue Tinh spray on experimental animals

Thị Minh Thu Nguyễn, Trường Vũ Phan, Quốc Sự Phạm, Thị Hảo Bùi, Thị Vân Anh Phạm

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Objectives: To assess whether Cot Thong Tue Tinh spray causes rabbits’ skin irritation and has analgesic effect on mice.

Subject and methods: Skin irritation testing on rabbits was conducted following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the OECD. The analgesic effect was evaluated by thermal stimulation (hot plate) and needle prickling methods. In each experiment, mice were divided into 4 groups, 10 animals each, of which the negative control group was sprayed with distilled water, the positive control group was sprayed with Salonpas Jet Spray and the remaining 2 groups were given Cot Thong Tue Tinh spray.

Results: With a dose of 1.0 ml applied to rabbit skin in an area of 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm, the test sample did not cause inflammation, erythema, or edema. Additionally, at a dose of 0.36 ml, the test sample had effects including prolonging heat-pain response time (p < 0.001), statistically significant increase in pain force and pain reaction time due to needling compared to those before applying the test samples (p<0.05 and p<0.01).

Conclusions: Cot Thong Tue Tinh spray as well as its combination with ethanol 700 (1:1) did not irritate rabbits’ skin and had both central and peripheral analgesic effects in mice at a dose of 0.36 ml/day.

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