Assessing the sciatica treatment results of spinal correction therapy combined with electro-acupuncture and infrared therapy

Minh Ngọc Hoàng, Tiến Chung Nguyễn, Duy Đại Nguyễn, Thế Hiệp Trần

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Objective: To evaluate the results of spinal correction therapy combined with electro-acupuncture and infrared therapy in the treatment of sciatica due to lumbar spondylosis.

Subjects and methods: A prospective, clinical intervention study was conducted on 60 patiennts with comfirmed diagnosis of spinal spondylosis - induced sciatica, comparing before - after treatment and with the control group. The patients were divided into 2 groups with 30 patients in the treatment group being treated with spinal correction therapy combined with electro-acupuncture, infrared therapy and 30 patients in the control group  being treated with acupressure combined with electro-acupuncture and infrared therapy.

Results: The pain level, range of motion of lumbar spine of all 60 patients statistically improved over time (p<0.05); TG group also tended to show better results than the control group.

Conclusions: Spinal correction therapy, combined with electro-acupuncture and infrared therapy, is effective in reducing pain and improving range of motion of the lumbar spine regarding the treatment of sciatica caused by lumbar spondylosis.

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