Assessing the dyslipidemia treatment results of HTM liquid extracts at Tue Tinh Hospital

Thúy Hạnh Lê, Quang Huy Đoàn, Tiến Chung Nguyễn, Thị Thu Hương Trần

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Objective: To evaluate the effects of HTM liquid extract on patients with dyslipidemia and monitor side effects.

Subjects and methods: An open clinical intervention trial, comparing before and after treatment, with control was conducted on 100 patients with dyslipidemia, divided into 2 groups, the research group was treated with HTM extract and the control group was treated with Atorvastatin 10mg, for 30 days. Standards for evaluating clinical effectiveness before and after treatment through analyzing the clinical symptom assessment table of lipid metabolism disorders in the “Guiding principles for clinical research on Chinese-New medicine” of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China assembled in 2002.

Results: HTM liquid extract reduced TC concentration by 19.2%, decreased TG concentration by 46.5%, decreased LDL-C concentration by 15.8%, and increased HDL-C concentration by 5.9% compared to before treatment. Rating of treatment results according to Traditional Medicine: good: 48%, fair: 44%, 8% of patients classified as ineffective. HTM liquid extract has not yet shown clinical side effects.

Conclusion: HTM liquid extract is effective in treating dyslipidemia (reducing TC, TG, LDL-C index, increasing HDL-C index) and is clinically safe.

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