Evaluation on the supporting effects of “Vien xuong khop vuong hoat” in combination with electro-acupuncture in thetreatment of patients with spondylosis-induced low back pain

Thi Thu Hang Vi, Thuy Phuong Pham, Manh Son Do, Van Long Phan, Thanh Tung Pham

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Objectives: Evaluation of the analagesicand improving range of motion supporting effect of “Vien xuong khop Vuong Hoat” electro-acupuncture in patients with low back pain due to spondylolisthesis.
Subjects and methods: Open-trial clinical study, compare with control group, compare between before and after treatment course, convenience sampling. The study was conducted on 60 patients with low back pain due to spondylolisthesis, treated at Tue Tinh Hospital from March 2022 to September 2022. Patients were divided into 2 groups: study group (NNC) and control group (NDC), treated with the background method of electro- acupuncture, in which: NNC “Vien xuong khop Vuong Hoat” and combined with electro-acupuncture; while NDC use electro-acupuncture only; the evaluation was based on VAS pain scale, lumbar spine range of motion, daily living function and treatment results after 28 days.
Results: After 28 days of treatment, the overall treatment results of the patients with good and fair treatment results were: 96,7% higher than NDC: 90%. In which, in NNC with good treatment results was: 76,7%, fair treatment result was: 20%, and average treatment result was: 3,3%, in NDC good treatment result was: 46,7%, fair treatment result was: 43,3% and the average treatment result was: 10%. This difference is statistically significant with p<0,05.

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