Assessment Of Communication Status Of Nutritional, Techniques And Midwives For Patients At Tue Tinh Hospital
Main Article Content
Through a survey of 306 patients examined and treated at Tue Tinh Hospital about the communication of nurses, technicians and midwives currently working at the hospital with acupuncture: Describing the communication status of nurses, technicians and midwives for patients (NB) to see be and treat at Tue Tinh Hospital.
Method: Cross-sectional description through face-to-face interviews of patients visiting and treating at Tue Tinh hospital with a set of pre-designed tools.
Results: Nurses, technicians and midwives are evaluated by the patient: Communication with the patient is 81.0%; Explain the patient’s questions clearly, in full 77.1%; The response when the patient called and asked was very satisfied 33.7%; Empathetic attitude towards illness and pain of the sick person is 83.0%; Pre-tested treatment and counseling for patients are 81.4% satisfied; Explanation of the condition, methods and expected duration of treatment was very satisfactory accounting for 74.2%.
Article Details
Communication, behavior, patient satisfaction, nurses, technicians.
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