Effective treatment of localized musculoskeletal pain points by shock wave technique at the hospital of Traditional medicine of Dak Lak province in 2021

Đình Vinh Lê, Sỹ Sơn Hồ, Công Toàn Lương

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Objective: Evaluating the results of localized musculoskeletal pain by shock wave therapy.

Subjective and method: 138 patients from 30 to 91 years old (mean ege 60,7), were randomly assigned to receive treatment and agreed to participate in the study. Research methods: Clinical intervention study, with comparison before and after treatment.

Results: After treatment, 67.7% of patients had a lot of pain relief (at the level of good treatment response: pain relief of 61% to 80% compared to the initial score); 26.3% moderate decrease (decreased by 40 - 60%); only 6.1% decreased slightly (<40% reduction); The effectiveness of pain relief according to the group of diseases was mostly good, in which the neck and shoulder syndrome had the highest rate (91.7%), osteoarthritis of the knee was 71.3% and the lowest was Back pain syndrome. 63.0%; No complications or side effects (swelling, bruising, hematoma) during treatment.

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