The influences of thanh can hv tablets in treatment of hypertension grade i, ii on subclinical indicators.

Minh Hiếu Vũ, Quốc Bình Phạm, Trọng Quân Hoàng, Thủy Phương Phạm

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Objectives: Study the influence of “Thanh can - HV” tablets on some subclinical indicators on primary hypertension grade I, II. Research subjects: Patients aged 18 years or older, regardless of gender, occupation, diagnosed as primary hypertension grade 1, 2 (according to 2018 recommendation criteria of the Vietnam Cardiology Association). Methods: Prospective study, clinical intervention assessment before and after controlled treatment. Results: Using "Thanh can - HV" tablets to treat hypertensive patients for 28 days, there was no significant change in the index of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, and hemoglobin in the studied patients as Creatinine, AST, ALT, Na+, K+, Cl-, urine pH of the patient, indicators are still within normal limits. The difference between the study time and between the 2 groups was not statistically significant with p>0.05. The urine volume of the NC group was 1248.78 ± 166.01; after treatment 1352 ± 166.94, the difference before and after was statistically significant with p<0,01. As such, “Thanh Can - HV” tablets have uretic effects compared with Amlodipin group, the difference was statistically significant with p<0,01 and do not affect liver and kidney function, do not cause hepatotoxicity, have not been found to affect hematopoietic function.

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