Evaluate The Results Of “Bot Thuoc Dap Hv” In The Treatment Of Cervical Scapulohumeral Syndrome Caused By Cervical Spondylosis

Thị Kim Dung Lê, Thị Hậu Nguyễn

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Objective: to evaluate the results of “Bot thuoc dap HV” in the treatment of cervical scapulohumeral syndrome caused by cervical spondylosis.

Subjects and methods: a controlled clinical trial was performed in 60 patients with cervical scapulohumeral syndrome caused by cervical spondylosis. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups, each group of 30 patients: study group (acupressure massage + “Bot thuoc dap HV”); control group (acupressure massage + infrared light). The study period was from Jun 2021 to Dec 2021.

Results: After 20 days of treatment, the study group had a pain reduction performance on the VAS

scale of 4.13 ± 1.33 and the control group was 3.30 ± 1.66 (p <0.05). The performance of score reduction according Neck Disability Index (NDI) in the study group and control group was 13.43 ± 6.15 and 10.00

± 5.81, respectively (p<0.05). The range of motion of forward leaning, backward leaning, tilting, turning in the study group improved more than in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).

Conclusion: “Bot thuoc dap HV” was effective in relieving pain, improving the patient's limitation of daily activities and range of motion.

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